This is why you should hold your car keys against your head for a broader reach

Strange but true!

Ever forgotten where you parked your car? Then an automatic car key with a remote control is the solution. By holding the key in the air and positioning it toward different cars you’ll soon hear the recognizable sound of your own car. But did you know that by holding the car keys against your head you create a broader reach? However crazy it may sound; it appears to be true!

Hold car keys against your head

Holding car keys against your head for a broader reach? However crazy it may sound, it’s not a myth. The signal in your car keys’ remote control can be strengthened by your own head. How is this possible? It’s due to the large amount of water in your head, explains Professor Roger Bowley of Nottingham University. Put simply, the large amount of water in your head helps strengthen the electromagnetic waves that come out of the keys.

Strengthening of electromagnetic waves

In one of the British university’s YouTube videos it is all made clear. They explain that our head is consisted 80 percent of water.  The phenomenon of oscillation arises because the electromagnetic field can separate the positive and negative charge of water molecules. The oscillation causes the electromagnetic waves to spread farther than just throughout the car key.

Use the right car key

Forgot where you parked your car? According to Bowley, this is the perfect solution to finding your car in a busy parking lot. This trick also works when you hold your keys close to a bottle of water. But let’s be honest, your head is always closer than a bottle of water and it works just as well. This trick does have one setback, it only works with car keys that use radio waves. In car keys that use an infrared system, it unfortunately won’t work. 

Learn more about this peculiar trick in the video below.

Source: AD, YouTube Sixty Symbols / Image: Videostill YouTube

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